Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

We went with Kate and her family to the dog beach. Nothing's more fun than an outing the WHOLE family can enjoy.Penny and Oli run with the other lucky dogs

Theron tries to teach the ocean a lesson by pummeling it with rocks

Oli played very hard, fell asleep in the car, and was toast the rest of the day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Taking Control of His Mental Health: Wristband-a-phobia

Theron's summer camp went to a place this week where they got to see Toy Story 3 in 3D and then play video games. When I got home from work he was on his bed, in his underwear with his computer in his lap. I asked him about his day and he told me, without looking up.
'Did you need money for the games?' I asked.
'No, we had wrist bands but I cut mine off when we got on the bus'
Then he told me that he also cut the wrist bands off a bunch of the other kids.
'Wait. How did you do that?'
'I had scissors in my backpack'
'You did?'
He looks up from the computer
'Yes Mom. I told you I'm always prepared'.