Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Countdown to Halloween: Ding, ding, ding!!! At last!

Festivities at Lumbini began at 10:30 today. The kids trick or treated in Little Toyko and because he is in the big kid class now they went last, after the preschool classes. Theron is the Spiderman sitting down in the group picture.
Miss Leslie asked them "What do you say when you get the candy?" and they all said "Thank you!" and Theron pipes up, "Or arrigato!"
Theron's friend Jonathan was also Spiderman and his favorite friend Alan was Batman. They had a grand time until he and Batman had a falling out and that's when I think things started to go downhill. It wasn't terrible but there was just a little too much excitement and he was having a little trouble controlling himself. Right now he is back in costume, helping Daddy distribute candy. He says his favorite part of the day was when he got grape Nerds in his bag. My favorite part of the day is that Theron doesn't care much for chocolate. Ashley's favorite part of the day was the hope of setting his computer up with voice recognition software, but there are still some kinks to work out.

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