Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Real Santa and Where is Everybody?

Well, I suppose we've finished shopping though the chaos continues. Theron and I did make a batch of sugar cookies for Santa but we ate them all, they were delicious. Even Ashley, still on soft or liquid foods, figured out he could nibble them with his front teeth, so all gone.

Theron's Christmas pagent was last Friday night. He and his class sang Feliz Navidad and a Hillary Duff song about Santa Claus Lane, or something. Feliz Navidad had about 5 verses and apparently they are all exactly the same. After the show the kids went downstairs to get a gift from Santa and eat some food. There was absolutely nothing Ash could eat since he didn't want nacho cheese without chips. Theron declared that the Santa was good, but not real. He was Santa's helper.

The very next day he and I went to Bakersfield for a Santa party at the house of a friend of Grandma's. The kids put oatmeal and glitter outside to tempt the reindeer and Santa came in with a bag of gifts. Theron got a Spiderman video game and he was so amazed because he hadn't said he wanted a game but Santa knew. Theron says this was the real Santa.

Anyway, for all the advanced planning I suppose Christmas preps, at least in our house, will always take exactly as much time as you have, though I have been getting lucky. I took packages to the post office last week and there was only one person ahead of me. It was a business man paying in pennies, but they were almost done counting when I got there. Then I went to Target Sunday night and again, no one was there. I took my car in for a service and normally I am idling in the street at the end of a very long line but this time there was, again, only one person ahead of me. But the strangest one of all was my trip to Trader Joe's last night. I even parked around the block to avoid the usual havoc of the parking lot and when I got there the lot was half empty! Never. I have never seen that. Where is everyone?!

Santa's Helper

The Real Santa

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