Thursday, September 20, 2007

A funny thing happened today. I signed Theron up for an after school program and we talked about starting it tomorrow or Monday. As soon as we got there and met the coach for his grade and saw that a kid from his class was there he decided to start today, so I left him and found myself with 2 hours of free time. I came home and the house was clean because Mike and Erik came over last night. I don't have any projects to work on because we had Rebecca's party yesterday and gave her the doll. It's not hot as hell anymore so I could actually move and think. But I didn't know what to do. I even tried to take a nap but I couldn't. With nothing to do and clean space to do it in I hardly knew who I was.

We had a lovely visit with Mike and Erik who came for pizza and the premier of Top Model. Theron, the perfect host, drew them each a picture of a Transformer and asked if they were here yet every five minutes for over an hour. Partly out of excitement and partly out of the desire to remain in nothing but his underwear for as long as possible. While they probably wouldn't have cared one way or the other Ash and I think it's important for Theron to start learning to recognize situations when pants are called for.

Rebecca's going away came off fabulously. We met at Senor Fish in Eagle Rock and the proprietor was super nice to us. Rebecca requested this location - I guess she's not expecting to find a good fish taco place in Omaha. Our most fabulous, multi-talented volunteer Dennis had told us at the last going away party, a week ago Thursday, that his son was dating Billy Idol's daughter. At this going away party they had broken up. People were trying to explain what Billy looked like because though Dennis had heard of him he didn't know if he'd ever seen him.

Rebecca LOVED the doll and I'm told she spent the afternoon trying on the clothes.

Blythe in her box. Coat by Naomi, dress by Nick. She is reading The Tao of Willie by Willie Nelson

Here's a cat suit I made out of the spandex we use for covering the mannequins. I found the chain at Michael's where I have spent every day for the last 2 weeks.

In the midst of planning this party another person quit (her last day is next Friday) and a second announced she's quitting during lunch. I just don't know what we're going to do. It's too hard to plan a nice farewell with only two weeks notice, and I'm sad because the one going first is a wonderful friend - a fellow mother and quilter. She counsels me about navigating the school system. She instructs me on how to keep doll clothes from being sucked into the sewing machine by the feed dogs. The second is moving to NY and frankly I don't think you get to move to NY and get a party. In fact I should paint ball her car. Oh, but I'm happy for her, of course. Now I am of the opinion that anyone else leaving should throw their own party and give us, who are staying, presents. And you know what, that is what Rebecca did. I don't know how she found the time but she made us all these magnets out of paint and paper, of different Nebraskan landscapes. She wrote her email address on the back. She also promised to take pictures of Blythe on the road.

Actually today she sent us a picture of the doll wearing or using an item that each of us made - it's the image at the head of this post. Dress by me, obi by Naomi (with the kimono at her feet), cuffs by Joanne, boots by Nick and whip by Jorge.

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